Is there someone in your life who’s difficult to forgive? Terry Modica shares from personal experience and from scripture how to do it and why. In this podcast, she busts some myths about forgiveness — false ideas that make it more difficult to forgive than it needs to be. When we forgive someone, it does not mean everything is going to be okay. But it does mean that the person who has hurt you no longer has control over you. Protection is part of healthy forgiveness.




Video Excerpt:

Jesus told us to forgive seventy times seven times. He said that in Matthew 18:22. In other words: every day, every moment of the day, repeatedly as often as necessary. Because, in the Bible, the number seven means fullness. So when Jesus said forgive seventy times seven times, he was talking about the fullness of fullness – ten times the fullness of fullness. In the Bible, ten means infinity.

The point I want to make right here is that we are called to forgive that many times, as often as it is required, as often as we are hurt: We need to forgive.

It is not easy, but one of the reasons why it is not easy is because we believe myths. We believe false ideas about what forgiveness is….

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2 Replies to “How to Forgive When It’s Difficult

  1. Went w a variation of the first vision. I live w a growling lion and when I saw Jesus petting the lion Jesus showed me all the bleeding wounds the lion had and understood that the lion growled because of his wounds. That I shouldn’t hear his growling personally. I should wait patiently while Jesus tends to his wounds and try to be merciful w the lion Come Holy Spirit and give me a merciful heart while I wait patiently for Jesus to do His healing job.

    1. Virginia, that’s an excellent way of looking at it! Thank you for sharing this. It will inspire others who watch this video.

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