In January of 2020, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah co-authored a new book entitled, “From the Depths of Our Hearts”. Benedict XVI dared to say that the book was written due to “the lasting crisis that the priesthood has been going through for many years” — and he got a lot of flack for it. The book is about the nature of the Church and of Christian discipleship and — as Terry Modica of Good News Ministries describes in her podcast, it’s about HEROIC PRIESTHOOD IN TODAY’S WORLD.

Terry Modica shares snippets from this book and puts it into the context of what a Good Shepherd is. She helps listeners understand why Benedict XVI and Cardinal Sarah insist that celibacy is essential in the life and ministry of priests. This type of priesthood – the heroic priesthood – is necessary in today’s world, and anything less than that is an abomination of Holy Orders because it harms people’s salvation.



The article quoted in this podcast is found at The book “From the Depths of Our Hearts” immediately stirred opposition, which includes fake news. For the truth, see

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