What are you concerned about because darkness seems to have taken over? Whatever it is you’re worried about, there is darkness there. But John 1:5 assures us that “Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it.” The Light of Christ is always victorious! The Light of Christ always conquers darkness!

Jesus came so that we could learn from him and receive from him through his Holy Spirit the same light he has so we can live as victors over every problem and so that we can conquer the devil. Darkness is weaker than light! And during the dark times, God is preparing us for what he wants us to do in the light.

In this episode, Terry Modica illustrates with stories from her own life how the Light of Christ conquers darkness.




Jesus, who is the Light of the world, is a gazillion times brighter and more powerful than all the demons put together, all the darkness, and all your trials — He is bigger than all of that and infinitely so. When I said a gazillion, well, you know, that’s a made up word. But he’s even bigger than that, more powerful than that! Let me tell you a story about something that happened to me…

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