Are you wondering what God wants you to do about difficult relationships? What’s the holy and healthy way to deal with someone who is hurtful, abusive, or alcoholic? People often write to me asking, “How do I handle this relationship? There’s something unhealthy in this relationship, but I need to do something to try to make it work, because isn’t that what God wants? I want to have healing, I want to have reconciliation, I want things to get better, I want that person to be happier, holier, healthier, I want our relationship to be happy, healthy, holy. And didn’t Jesus say that we are to love our enemies and to love even when they seem unlovable? Does this mean staying in the relationship, keep trying, even in a self-sacrificing way? The answer is NO. This video explains the importance of putting up boundaries while continuing to offer love and helpfulness.

Video Excerpt:

My advice, based on my own experiences throughout life and scripture and Church teaching, is: We are not supposed to remain in situations, in relationships that lead us to sin, lead us to unhealthiness, lead us to weakness and vulnerability, because we become more sinful or we are trending towards sinfulness if there’s any of that negative stuff going on.

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