In your journey through Advent, examine: How much does the joy of Christ’s Spirit affect your daily life? The joy that comes from recognizing the presence of Jesus is God’s Christmas gift to us. It’s a joy that’s meant to last all year.

The verses of Luke 1:30-44 shows Elizabeth and her unborn son, John, reacting to the nearness of the unborn Christ. We know that Elizabeth immediately understood that Mary was pregnant with the Lord, because this Gospel passage says she was filled with the Holy Spirit. But how could the fetal John understand? How could he leap for joy while still in the womb? Watch this Advent video reflection to find out!

The Holy Spirit enlivened the faith of Elizabeth and John through an act of grace that depended on Christ’s future activity. For us, our faith is enlivened by the grace God provides in the Sacraments.

The joy that comes from recognizing the presence of Christ is God’s Christmas gift to us. It’s a joy that’s meant to last all year. It’s a lifestyle, not a holiday. It comes from a faith that appreciates God for working mercifully in ways that we can see and ways that we cannot see, because we trust in his goodness. Even when we suffer or feel sorrow, we can learn to recognize the presence of Christ.

And then what? Like John, we are called to be heralds of Christ’s presence. How? First by sharing our joy with others.

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