What are the weapons for making the devil flee from you that Jesus has placed in your hands?

With the humble power of prayer, we can do much. The Sacraments give us supernatural graces that conquer the devil.

Here’s how to free yourself from the ways the devil has been interfering in your life. Dare to be on the side of Christ so strongly that the you can make the devil flee from you.


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Part 6 covers: In Genesis 3, Mary is the one who crushes the head of the serpent. Mary, by choosing to say yes to God to bring the Savior into the world, has so much power over the devil that demons hate her. Demons flee. They flee at the name of Jesus, but they also flee when we pray the Rosary.

There are other tools. There are other methods. And the best way we can succeed in defeating the devil is to form communities, or join communities that are already formed, that are Spirit-filled. Because when we band together, we can accomplish a million times more than what we can do by ourselves. Remember that Jesus said that whenever two or more of you are gathered (in other words: gathered praying, worshiping, learning from each other) – he said, “Whenever you are gathered together, I am in your midst.” And what does Jesus do in our midst when we are gathered in community? He empowers us to go and defeat demons, and he empowers us to rescue other people from demons by evangelizing them and helping them turn to Christ.

That is our mission. All of us who are followers of Christ: that is our mission. And today we need to take that mission far more seriously than we ever needed to before in our own lifetimes.

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This podcast series uses the book Rebuking the Devil by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops about Pope Francis’ teachings on defeating Satan. The book can be ordered from Amazon at amazon.com/gp/product/1601376081.

We have the spiritual warfare prayers you need to defeat the devil, including “The Prayer of Authority to Conquer Demons“, which is a mighty weapon against evil strategies and demonic interference.

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