Life’s a journey full of challenges. Sometimes we get stalled. Sometimes we get sidetracked. When we walk with Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to the destination that God the Father designed for us, the results are better than we could ask for or imagine. The Footsteps to Heaven podcast series provides faith-builders based on what GNM founder/author/speaker, Terry Modica, has learned from her own journey and what people tell us they’re seeking in their daily struggles. It comes straight from her heart.
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Here are sample episodes:
In the premier episode of FOOTSTEPS TO HEAVEN, Terry Modica unpacks the rich meaning of the first three verses of Psalm One while sharing why it’s her personal Life Scripture. (“She is like a tree planted by running water; whatever she does, prospers.”) Listen in to find out how this promise of God has been the key to success for Good News Ministries since 1995.
Episode #8: When we identify the sin that interferes with our faith in God, we can overcome it to grow in holiness and live the way God intended — with the same miraculous faith as the first Christians that we read about in the Book of Acts. The biggest sin is culture-wide, it has infiltrated the Church, and we easily give into it every day. We can change that! And in so doing, we will become more alive in the faith and – if enough of us repent from this sin – we will transform the world.
Episode #9: The greatest virtue that releases our faith is submission to the Holy Spirit. This enables us to recognize the voice of Jesus and hear his guidance, his concern for us, and his desire to work miracles in our lives. It enables us to feel the generous love of the Father. And it frees us to do mighty things for the kingdom of God and to transform the world. Terry Modica shares stories from her life to illustrate how this virtue releases supernatural faith. This podcast includes a simple, easy spiritual exercise that can help you overcome your human nature’s desire to be in control.
To further the releasing of supernatural faith, use our video courses on life in the Holy Spirit.
Episode #12: Why is it that we expect less, not more, from God? Why are we not living a miraculous faith? Why do we receive less from God instead of the abundant “more” that he actually wants to give us? Listen to this important episode. Satan is doing everything he can to disempower the Church, because we are a huge threat to him. Satan doesn’t want us to fully grasp the truth about what we can receive from God, because with it we can change the world. So here’s a 4-second prayer that immediately defeats him.