What’s the most powerful way we can pray? Mary the Mother of God set the example. Watch this video to find out what the bible shows us about how Mary prayed. She’s our best example of how to truly pray in a way that makes a difference, in a way that connects immediately to God, in a way that makes miracles happen.




Video Excerpt:

Let’s take a look at how Mary, the Holy Mother of Jesus prayed. She’s our best example because the grace of God filled her from her conception so that she could be the successful child of God, the successful Eve, that the original Eve was supposed to be, in order to bring Jesus into the world, through her own body, through her own life. And in that fullness of grace she had the perfect prayer life.

Let’s look at what Scripture tells us about it.

We don’t see Mary praying in Scripture though, do we? Or do we? Yes, the wedding at Cana. They ran out of wine, and how does Mary talk to Jesus? How does Mary pray? She simply said, “Jesus they ran out of wine.” She brought to God’s attention the problem, without whining, without worrying, without saying how God should fix the problem. She just simply stated the problem because she was full of trust.

Trust in what? That God would hear her prayers and answer her? No, although that was part of her life. What made her prayers work was because she was filled with the trust that Jesus cares.

This is why when she turned to the stewards, the wine stewards: She said, “Do whatever he tells you.” She didn’t say, “I asked him, I hope he’s going to come through, let’s give him a try.” She simply said, “Do whatever he tells you.” Why? Because she trusted that he cared.

And you, my friend, and I need to remember whenever we pray: God cares. He cares more than you and I care. And in that caring of course he’s going to do something.

So the holiest way to pray is not, “Dear Lord, help. Dear Lord, here’s what needs to be done. Dear Lord…” and then we give him our list of what we think he should do. Rather it’s simply saying, “I’m presenting the problem to you, O Lord, and I know that you’re going to do something because you care, and whatever you decide is best to do, that’s what you’re going to do.”

So the second part of Mary’s prayer was to someone else—not God, not Jesus, but to the wine stewards—and she said, “Do whatever he tells you.” So, in other words, we could say to ourselves whenever we have a prayer request: “Now I need to listen and do whatever God tells me to do.” In other words, we simply let God show the way from here, and we stay tuned in, we stay watching, we stay available.

That’s holy prayer.

That’s the same way that Mary prayed. Look at her prayer in the Annunciation when the Angel Gabriel came to her and said, “You are going to bear the Son of God”, and she goes, “How can this be?” There’s another type of prayer: “I don’t understand Lord.” And it wasn’t said with doubt or distrust. It was said with: “God cares, I know he’s going to reveal what I need to know.” That was the faith behind her prayer question. God cares, he will provide what we need. And, like at the wedding of Cana, even more than we need!

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