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Here is Terry Modica’s first public discussion of how she is surviving the unexpected passing of her husband Ralph. Podcaster and Catholic evangelist Ellen Mongan covers with Terry the difference that Jesus makes during grief, especially in the Eucharist.

This video is an excerpt from Ellen Mongan’s show, Go Tell the World, found at This short version was produced by Good News Ministries, the Catholic center for daily growth in Christ. Good News Ministries is dedicated to giving people hope by helping them know the victorious love of Jesus Christ, the personal, doting love of God the Father, and the empowering love of the Holy Spirit.

My Soul Shall Be Healed is Terry Modica’s workbook designed especially for parish groups. The author explains in ordinary language how to understand the very important Church document, Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church of the Eucharist), an encyclical by Pope Saint John Paul II. You’ll be able to apply his words to your everyday life in today’s world.

You’ll discover how to develop a more personal relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. You’ll learn why Catholicism teaches that the Eucharist as the “source and summit of the Christian life.” You’ll find out—with clarity—what Catholics believe and do not believe about the Eucharist. And you’ll gain a deep appreciation for the reason why only Catholic priests can consecrate the communion elements alongside the important role you have, with the whole community, in the Eucharistic celebration. 

To order the book, visit En Route Books and Media. Discounts are available for groups.

See what’s available from Good News Ministries. Visit >>

See Terry’s book “The Father’s Heart” >>

See Terry’s book “MY SOUL SHALL BE HEALED” >>

See Terry’s podcast show:

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