Use this playlist of 17 short videos
for understanding the Catholic Mass

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Take, Eat and Drink is a set of 17 short segments (three to five minutes) on the Catholic Mass. Each video ends with a question for personal reflection or group discussion. It’s a great tool for catechists! The series appeals to all generations: youth, young adults, and older folks, from traditional Catholics to spiritual explorers who aren’t sure they want to go to church. It’s designed for those who want to deepen their faith by understanding the Mass better and for catechists to use in classrooms. It helps adults and youth gain a new, deeper appreciation of the Mass and a more lively relationship with Christ. Use it to explain the Mass in a way that evangelizes and builds interest in full participation in the liturgy.


Msgr. Rick Hilgartner, who at the time was Executive Director of the Secretariat of Divine Worship at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Father Gary Dowsey of the “Hey Father Gary!” show on SpiritFM Catholic Radio, Father John Gerth of “Ask Fr. J” fame on, and Terry Modica, founder of Good News Ministries.


Sample snippets from the videos of Take, Eat, and Drink

Every Mass is an intimate encounter with the Living God. A taste of heaven here on earth. Where people of every race, language and way of life, become one.

In this video presentation, we’re going to walk through the Mass and particularly, we’re going to discover the deeper value, the deeper meaning of everything that takes place during the Mass: the words we speak, our actions, our gestures, the prayers. Everything has a deeper meaning to it than what we normally think of as we are celebrating the Mass. There’s a surface level that we’re just all so familiar with and now we’re going to take a look at what’s deeper behind that. 

We come into God’s presence in a spirit of humility, recognizing that we are not the center of the universe and that we need God’s healing grace.

We prepare ourselves to listen to God’s Word. And it’s important for us to really have an open mind and heart and to really listen to what God wants to say to us. We’re here to listen to God’s story, to God’s love story, spoken to us through the prophets, spoken to us, most importantly and intimately, through His Son. It’s important for us also, in-between readings, to have moments of silence and reflection, to ponder that Word as Mary did. To allow it to touch our hearts and our minds and to continue to change our lives.

Next: Sign up for our free Good News Reflections on the readings of Mass.


My Soul Shall Be Healed

Terry Modica’s study guide about Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church of the Eucharist), an encyclical by Pope Saint John Paul II, enables readers and group participants to enter more fully into the mystery of the Eucharist and deepen their intimacy with Christ while enriching their celebration of Holy Catholic Mass.

My Soul Shall Be Healed explains in ordinary language how to understand the very important Church document . You’ll be able to apply it to your every-day life in today’s world. Find out more or order your copy now >>

Go Deeper into Holy Mass

Go Deeper into Holy MassYou might also be interested in our podcast series entitled “Go Deeper into Holy Mass”. This course is for those who want a personal relationship with Jesus during Mass. The entire Catholic liturgy is an encounter with the True Presence of Christ, and it should change us:

We should be healed by it. We should feel loved and become more fully loving as a result of it. Our hearts should become more peaceful. Our tendencies to sin should be transformed into greater strength to resist sin.

A true encounter with Christ makes a difference. This is what attending church is designed to do. Check it out! >>


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