Unite your sufferings to Jesus by discovering the connection between your experiences and the various ways that Jesus suffered. This is done for your healing and for the healing of others and for their salvation. It will unite you to Jesus’ love and compassion more than ever before. Your feelings of hurt, sorrow, and the sting of rejection can tune you into the deep feelings that Jesus has for you. You will be healed by what you do with this episode!



The Holy Spirit showed me, one by one, how the various sufferings that I endured was connecting me to the sufferings of Jesus. And in so doing, I was experiencing a union with Christ like I had never experienced before. I was (even in the midst of the pain and suffering) discovering that there is a kind of a joy and a kind of a peace that comes from making this connection between my sufferings and Jesus’ sufferings.

This union of Christ is so powerful, so important, so uniting: Getting that close to Christ is the best thing that you can do! It’s amazing. And it provides healing. It’s just something that I highly recommend to you, my friend, because your sufferings are going to waste unless you unite them to Jesus and, in so doing, unite your soul to Jesus more than you ever have before.

I’m going to lead you through a series of ways that Jesus suffered that you too may have been suffering and show you how to connect them to Jesus, so that you too can be healed, you too can be consoled, you too can find peace and even some kind of joy in the midst of all the bad stuff that’s going on.

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