When you do something foolish, do you feel embarrassed or do you feel Father God hugging you and comforting you? Do you feel stupid when you make a mistake or can you hear Father God reassure you that, “You’re awesome”, reassuring you that everything’s going to be okay. Maybe you have a hard time forgiving yourself when you sin, even after going to Confession. Instead of beating yourself up, learn how to turn to God for self-confidence.

The book mentioned in this episode is “The Father’s Heart” @ https://tothefathersheart.com



We all tend to feel dumb when we do something foolish. We make mistakes and sometimes we’re so hard on ourselves about it that we beat ourselves up for it. And when we sin and we go to confession, Jesus in the priest absolves us and frees us from that sin, and yet we don’t forgive ourselves. Why is that? Why are we so hard on ourselves?

Well, my friend, what I’d like to share with you right now is that the devil wants you to feel bad about yourself….

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One Reply to “When you feel foolish, God hugs you”

  1. So Amazing! The Prince and the girl reminds me of Pope John Paul II when on an occasion was before his gardener whose hands were soiled with mud and the gardener was feeling conscious of his muddy hands, the Pope took the gardener’s hands and rubbed them over his cassack, saying “I don’t do my laundry” (excuse me for my paraphrased version, but the gardener & Pope’s story is true). You reminded me of this. What a Grace! I will certainly go to the website too. Thank you a lot, sister Terry. Alleluia, Pax Christi.

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