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Pray along with this Catholic video for an enhanced experience of your daily prayer time. Includes a prayer to the Holy Spirit, the Angelus, Prayer to the Virgin of Miracles, intercessions, Consecration to Mary, Pope Saint Leo XIII’s prayer to Saint Joseph and his Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel, and a Prayer to Your Guardian Angel.

Links recommended by this video:

Free ebook “10 Prayers that Changed My Life”

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Catholic Prayers for Everyday Life (including Prayers with Saints, Prayers for Parents, and Victory Over Evil); some of these are included in this video for your daily prayer time.

Video Excerpts:

Lord, in today’s prayer and reflection, we desire to enter into Your presence more deeply, to receive Your blessing, and to grow stronger in faith.

Dear Father God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, stir up within us the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. Help us to live in His power, share His gifts, and spread the fruits of His love so that this world will become a better place. Amen.

O Virgin of Miracles, take my heart and unite it to your Immaculate Heart. Deliver my innermost yearnings to the Sacred Heart of your Son Jesus and to His mercy and to the power
of your Spouse, the Holy Spirit, in Whom everything worthy of the Kingdom of God is possible.

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