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Mark 7:14-23 tells us: Do not worry! Here’s how to let God be in control of your life instead of worry and fear. We constantly have bad things hitting us from the outside, and it’s how we react to them that matters. You have Christ in you. Learn how to rely on him when you feel like worrying! You will find blessings disguised as problems.

Video Excerpt:

If we would stop and listen and have a good, strong prayer life and be filled with the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things, then we can get in touch with the fact that: Yes this is hard, yes I have to let go of something, yes I have to let go of the way I want the prayers to be answered, yes there’s a hardship and things look like they’re getting worse, but okay, they are blessings in disguise. How are these blessings?

Well, we have a good prayer life. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we discover what those blessings are.

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