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It’s heart-breaking to love someone who is stubbornly rejecting the truth about Jesus. It’s hard to watch them suffer the worldly effects of not turning to him to let him be their Savior. You want to bring your loved ones to Christ. You know how important faith in Christ is for their life now, and — the biggest heart-wrencher — you fear that they won’t spend eternity with you in heaven.




Video Excerpt:

Think of the special someone whom you’ve been praying for because he or she has left the Church or maybe never had true faith at all. How do you feel about it? When you are praying for them, how do you feel? Do you feel angry? Fearful? Worried – worried about their salvation, worried how their lack of faith is messing up their lives today?

I’m sure you feel something – something strong enough to motivate you to pray. And there’s something in you that is connected to the Holy Spirit: Your spirit – your own human spirit – is connected to the Holy Spirit in such a way that you really care. You are praying because you know this person needs God and needs your prayer support. You are praying because you want to bring your loved ones to Christ.

You are an intercessor for them. They are not lifting themselves up to Christ. They are not lifting themselves up to the Holy Spirit for the Holy Spirit to help them know the truth.

We are called and commissioned by Christ to evangelize. But how can we do this successfully for the ones we care about most? Jesus would not ask us to partner with him in the mission of salvation if he did not also provide the means for accomplishing it. And remember, he cares more about the salvation of your loved ones than you do!

Next: Listen to How God brings our loved ones to Christ >>

If you have teen or adult children who have left the Church, see Prayers for Parents >>

For more help, see our WordBytes on Evangelization Ministries for Today’s World >>

Or go to more episodes on Marriage & Family >>

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