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Jesus is shedding his holy light on the demonic activities in the Church to expose it, because he’s saying, “Enough is enough! I’m about to do something that is going to change the Church from within because the Devil has been trying ruin the Church from within” — from the Vatican to everyday Catholics.”

A Brazilian bishop, Bishop Emeritus José Luis Azcona Hermoso, said in an Oct. 20th 2019 homily that Pope Francis’ Oct. 4 ceremony in the Vatican gardens prior to the opening of the Amazon Synod, where people prostrated themselves before pagan idols, was a “scandalous, demonic sacrilege.” He pointed out that a genuine illumination from the Holy Spirit is required: “We should distinguish between what comes from Satan or from the human mind, or from what is of the Holy Spirit. This discernment is fundamental in order to belong to the Church and even more so to evangelize.”

In this episode, Terry Modica reveals some surprising conclusions from his homily.

The article mentioned is Halloween: Questions answered.



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