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In John 4:23-24, Jesus emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in worship. Our worship of God in Mass and other experiences should lift our spirits and transform us. God wants to uplift us. This video explains how it happens.

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Video Excerpt:

In John Chapter four, we have the story of the Samaritan woman at the well. Jesus meets her at the well. He talks to her, brings her to conversion…. In the midst of that story is something very interesting about the Holy Spirit that I’d like to highlight. In verses 23-24 Jesus says, “The hour is coming, and is now here, when true worshipers will worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth. And indeed the Father seeks such people to worship Him. God is Spirit”, He explains, “and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and Truth.” Why does He say this? Why is He emphasizing this?

Well let me ask you this question. When you go to Mass, when you do anything that is any worship experience, what kind of a spirit do you have? Do you have a spirit of joy? Do you have a spirit of peace? Or do you have a spirit at least sometimes of, “I wonder what time it is, we’ve got a lot to do today, and this homily is going awfully long.” A spirit of impatience? Do you have a spirit of exalting God, a spirit of worship that’s so full of the Holy Spirit that there’s no words to describe it? Do you have such a spirit of worship in you that when you are praying, when you’re in Mass, when you’re celebrating Jesus’s presence in the Eucharist, are you lifted higher than your normal earthly existence? …

Let your spirit, let the Holy Spirit in you, free. Let Him have the freedom to lift you to higher heights whenever you’re worshiping God. God bless you. May your spirit soar.

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