How to Love The Ones Who Give Us Crosses

The following video unpacks Pope Francis’ homily about the Prodigal Son (download Loving the Prodigal Son – Pope Francis.pdf), revealing how the merciful father in this parable shows us how to deal with our loved ones who reject us, who reject the Truth, who reject faith in Christ, who give us crosses to bear.

Next: Part 10 >>

Video Excerpt:

I’d like to specifically deal with some very painful crosses that many of us carry. It’s the cross of watching someone else go down the path that is away from Christ and greater and greater into danger, mortal-soul danger, believing and following the lies of this world.

We ache for them, don’t we? It’s a burden to watch them, and we want to be able to make a difference, but they close the door on us. They don’t let us make a difference if we try to love them, if we try to be who we are as Christians and to influence them, as we are called to do. They shut down, don’t they. They get angry at us. They bad-mouth us. They separate themselves from us. They refuse to talk to us. Or they get abusive — something that tries to make us stop, because what they are doing is trying to defend their choices.

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