The Good News Show

The Good News Show helps you live your best faith. Included are series with 5 to 6 minutes of inspirational teachings, which can be used like an online retreat, and interviews that will uplift you and strengthen your own resolve to depend on God in all the challenges of life.

Listen to the trilogy of courses on the Holy Spirit

Many people are praying for miracles and wondering why they feel so powerless with their prayers. The answer is: We need the power of the Holy Spirit. For that, we need a close, lively relationship with the Holy Spirit.”

This series is not for everybody. It’s designed for those who have a real desire to grow stronger in faith and make a bigger difference in the world as a result of this growth. It can be used as a personal retreat. Take it with you on vacation or listen to it in the car or take a few minutes in your morning prayer time to listen to the short episodes.

  1. How to Hear the Holy Spirit →
  2. Living in the Power of the Holy Spirit →
  3. Pray in the Power of the Holy Spirit →

These are also available as videos in our Paracletia ministry.

Listen to the retreat
Mystical Union with Christ in Daily Life

Hear the podcast of the retreat Terry Modica gave in New Zealand.

Arise! Come and find rest and restoration with the One who calls you His beloved. What has wearied you? What are your troubles? Arise! Come and experience the joy of deeper union with Christ your Healer!

Using the Mysteries of the Rosary, we will rise to new heights of faith, hope and love.

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Terry Modica, who has been involved in a wide variety of parish and diocesan ministries, has a theology degree and pastoral certifications. A versatile speaker, she gives retreats and conference talks on the Holy Spirit, Difficult Relationships, the Rosary as Mystical Union with Christ In Daily Life, Healing the Wounds that Affect Our Intimacy with Abba, How to Use Virtual Reality in Ministry and other topics.

For more about the speaker, go to

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