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What is the devil doing now in the Church? And what can we do about it? Are we capable of casting the devil from the Church? In this episode, Terry Modica talks about the heresies and divisiveness of the German bishops and the Amazon Synod. We are at a crucial turning point in the Catholic Church. We each can make a difference! All the faithful are being called by the Holy Spirit to rebuke the devil and push him out of the Church. This episode explains how to do it. 


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Part 5 discusses: What can we do about casting the devil from the Church? We can’t just sit idly by and watch this happen and hope for the best.

The first thing we need to do is get off the fence. We need to get off the fence and be fully on the side of Christ. We need to get the devil’s influence out of our own lives. We need to live the truth of the Gospel.

We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, because Jesus said he would give us the Holy Spirit to help us understand what we need to know and to speak what we need to speak. We can’t have a relationship with Jesus and remain (in this day and age) safe from the devil’s tactics without the Holy Spirit filling us, anointing us. We need to submit ourselves fully to the Holy Spirit. We need to be purified by the Holy Spirit. We need to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.

We need to be on fire with the Holy Spirit, because scripture refers to the Holy Spirit as a Spirit of fire. Fire as in: enthusiasm, zeal, energy to make a difference. The fire of purification where we go out and purify the world around us – because first we’ve purified our own lives, and we keep working at that every day – but we also go and burn out the impurities of the world around us, including within our own Church.

We also need to make prayer sacrifices. We need to fast. And we need to evangelize others about getting off of their fences.

This series uses the book Rebuking the Devil by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops about Pope Francis’ teachings on defeating Satan. The book can be ordered from Amazon at

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