Here’s Terry Modica’s personal testimony about how she became Catholic, how Good News Ministries has grown because of the Holy Spirit, and how she became connected with the Paulist Fathers. This video is an opportunity to recognize how the Holy Spirit has acted in your own life.

Filmed during the National Paulist Associates Retreat of February 2011. Terry and Ralph Modica were Paulist Associates from 2008 to 2017.

Video Excerpt:

How did the Holy Spirit help you in your faith journey? Think of a point in time where you had a mystical encounter where the Divine made a difference in your life. Think about a “before” and “after” in your life: before you discovered something about the faith, or before you came back to the Church, or before you came into the Catholic Church, or before that you awakened to some kind of aliveness….

How did the Holy Spirit act in your life — in your heart, in the circumstances around in your life — to bring you to that and through that process that gives you an “after”, that after the Divine encounter? That is your testimony that is a story.

We all have a story to tell — multiple stories to tell — that will affect the lives of our listeners when we are astute and paying attention, through the Holy Spirit’s help, about what part of the journey someone else is in. What are their struggles? What are their “befores” that you have had some similar before, like them, so that you can share your story with them? Without preaching, you’re inviting them to experience the “after”.

By way of example, I’ll share my “before” and “after”.

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