Bill Snyder and Anne DeSantis of Sewing Hope interview Terry Modica

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Questions include: “We know that you came into the Church through a conversion of the Eucharist. So, that has to be so close to your heart, right? That’s just such a profound, beautiful truth that you got to experience and live in a very unique way. And I would love it if you share with our listeners and viewers how that moment came about. And was that part of this study guide

that you’ve recently put together — because of that relationship that you have with Jesus?”

And: “You said that the Eucharist is a ‘who’ not a ‘what’. And I think that is a big, huge misconception by so many Catholics, and non-Catholics, too. Is there anything else that you want to share on that note? Because that is a pretty big thing: ‘who’, not a ‘what’?”

More about the book, My Soul Shall Be Healed:

My Soul Shall Be Healed explains in ordinary language how to understand the very important Church document Ecclesia de Eucharistia (The Church of the Eucharist), an encyclical by Pope Saint John Paul II. You’ll be able to apply it to your every-day life in today’s world. You’ll discover how to develop a more personal relationship with Jesus in the Eucharist. You’ll learn why Catholicism teaches that the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life”. You’ll find out – with clarity — what Catholics believe and do not believe about the Eucharist. And you’ll gain a deep appreciation for the reason why only Catholic priests can consecrate the communion elements alongside the important role you have, with the whole community, in the Eucharistic celebration.

This study guide enables readers and group participants to enter more fully into the mystery of the Eucharist and deepen their intimacy with Christ while enriching their celebration of Holy Mass.

Available in paperback and as an ebook. Visit

About the Sewing Hope podcast:

Bill Snyder founded Patchwork Heart Ministry to draw the youth of today into a deep and profound relationship with Jesus Christ by sharing faith through stories, prayer experiences and by boldly and passionately witnessing to the Catholic Faith. His ministry’s genesis grows from the belief that we all have a “broken heart” in some unique way. It is by acknowledging our own “hole in the heart” and recognizing the many ways that we have unsuccessfully tried to patch it up ourselves, we can come to the realization that the patchwork we need is God’s merciful and joyful love.

The Sewing Hope podcast is a weekly show to “sew hope into broken hearts.”

Anne DeSantis is the Director of the St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for Freedom, Family and Faith. Their mission is the pastoral accompaniment for families in crisis, targeting areas where family members may be in danger of losing their faith: (1) Divorce and separation, (2) Sickness and Diagnoses, (3)Addictions, and (4) All pro-life issues.

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