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Pray with Terry Modica in a Marian meditation about the challenging times in the life of the Blessed Mother Mary when she trusted God. In this video, we ask Mary for the grace that we need for trusting God in our difficulties.

Video Excerpt:

I would like to share with you how much the Blessed Mother, our beautiful Mother Mary, cares about you and the struggles, the trials, the heartbreaks that you’ve been going through….

Mary represents for us she wants to reveal to us what God the Father is really like. Mary shows us what God’s feminine side is like. Mary shows us the nurturing side of God, the compassionate side of God, the motherly traits that we need from God Almighty….

I would like to lead you through a meditation where you can connect yourself to Mary and the graces (remember, she was full of grace). She wants to share grace with you….

The first meditation:

Sit with Mary as the angel Gabriel surprises her, appearing to her and speaking to her in a little room, in a little house in Nazareth. Connect yourself to this scene. Are you worried about something because it has taken you by surprise? What do you think God is telling you to do about it? Look at Mary. She told the angel, “Let it be done to me according to God’s will.” Ask Mary for the grace to hear God’s will, know that it’s God’s will, and trust in God’s will even if it doesn’t make sense yet.

the meditations from

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