If you want to experience all that the Holy Spirit wants to do in you and through you, rather than live a mediocre faith, use the Penitential Rite during Mass as one of the most important of spiritual exercises. We have given in to the ways of the world – believing lies that Satan wants us to believe – and this is stifling the Holy Spirit. In this episode, Terry Modica teaches spiritual exercises that strengthen what is weak so that you can become who you really are as a believer in Christ: a saint!




Video Excerpt:

The three Rs for coming alive in the supernatural faith that comes from having a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit are: Repent, Renounce, Retreat into prayer. And what I’d like to talk about in this one are the spiritual exercises of repentance.

This episode is a tough one to listen to. This episode is not for people who really are satisfied with a mediocre faith. This podcast episode is for those who want to experience the supernatural faith that comes from being united to Christ with a personal relationship with his Holy Spirit. If you really, really want to experience all that God wants to give to you and do in you and through you, then continue listening….

I was at a Conference one time and I said, “Why, Lord, aren’t miracles happening? The prayers for healing sound right. Why are there no healings? Or why are there so few healings that nothing astounding is happening here except a couple of people and there are so many other people here who need healing?”

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