The greatest virtue that releases our faith is submission to the Holy Spirit. This enables us to recognize the voice of Jesus and hear his guidance, his concern for us, and his desire to work miracles in our lives. It enables us to feel the generous love of the Father. And it frees us to do mighty things for the kingdom of God and to transform the world. Terry Modica shares stories from her life to illustrate how this virtue releases supernatural faith. This podcast includes a simple, easy spiritual exercise that can help you overcome your human nature’s desire to be in control.




Video Excerpt:

In this podcast I would like to talk about the greatest virtue that releases our faith. That virtue is submission — submission to the Holy Spirit, because it is when we have this attitude or this virtue of being submissive to the Holy Spirit working in our lives that we hear what Jesus is leading us into and what he is telling us. We recognize the voice of our Good Shepherd.

We also are able to feel the generous love of our divine daddy, God the Father, and we are able to be more aware of how much he wants to dote on us and to assist us and that he never abandons us.

When we are submissive to the Holy Spirit, we do mighty things for the Lord, for the kingdom of God, for the sake of those around us and for the sake of the world, for the transformation of the world.  Jesus does it through us when we are submissive to the Holy Spirit, one soul at a time, reaching out in love and faith — miraculous faith — to those whom God puts in our path and calls us to bring his love to….

Learning how to be submissive to the Holy Spirit doesn’t come naturally. It goes against our human nature, our fallen nature, our undivine nature that wants to be in control, the nature that likes what’s familiar and comfortable and does not like to be submissive to anyone, including God. We need to fight against that to become submissive to the Holy Spirit, so here’s a spiritual exercise that will help with that….

One last thing I would like to share is how important — how very, very important — it is to be submissive to the Holy Spirit. It is so important that when we are not submissive to the Holy Spirit, we will have to spend time in purgatory dealing with that. Unless, of course, before we die we repent of it, go to Confession and be absolved of the sin of not being submissive to the Holy Spirit, and if we use the grace — the miraculous supernatural grace — in the Sacrament of Confession for God’s divine power to come and help us overcome this sin.

And that is another one of the miracles, by the way, that is divinely available to us. Any time that we go to the Sacrament of Confession (a sacrament is Jesus interacting with us) we are given supernatural grace to stop committing a sin that has been difficult for us to resist….


To further the releasing of supernatural faith, use our free Paracletia video courses on life in the Holy Spirit.

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