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In this video course, you will not only feel Jesus ministering to you. You will learn how to turn tragedies into triumphs, grief into joy, and the deaths of your hopes and dreams into resurrections. I’d like to invite you to discover how to find God’s mercy in the crosses that we carry. We’re going to use the Five Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary as our example of how to embrace our crosses, carry our crosses, and turn them into resurrections.

What burdens are you carrying? We’re going to lift these up during this video course. What’s weighing you down? We’re going to look how Jesus can help you with that; help you carry and lighten the load. What crosses that you’ve been carrying seem to have no end to them? We’re going to discover how to turn them into resurrections.

This was originally recorded as a Lenten journey, but it can be used any time you’re carrying a cross.

Watch this introduction:

Next: Part 1 >>

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