The Cross Always Takes Us To Resurrection

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In this final session of How to turn your Crosses into Resurrections, we’re going to look at how the crosses and the crucifixions that we experience always lead to the resurrection power of Christ. Always. We can’t experience resurrection joy unless we go through the cross. Likewise, we can’t experience the cross with Jesus without experiencing the resurrection of Jesus. He always carries us to resurrection.

Video Excerpt:

Resurrections come in unexpected ways. If we keep looking for resurrections to be what we want them to be, when we want them to happen, the way we want them to happen, we miss almost every resurrection that God has in mind. When we fix our eyes on our solutions to the problems, our ways of dealing with challenges of life, we miss noticing the good that’s coming from the walk of carrying the cross. We miss the good that’s coming from being nailed to the cross. We miss what Jesus is doing in our own lives, in our own hearts, in our own souls. Instead, what we are doing is nailing ourselves to our own frustrations, nailing ourselves to negative moods, to disappointments, to anger. What we need to fix our eyes on, is Jesus.

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