Heal from the Pain of Being Scourged

In this video we’re going to talk about our feelings and how to get through the scourgings and how to let Jesus heal you. How to get through the false accusations. How to get through the condemnations of others. And how to get through with joy. Because that’s the first resurrection that we need to experience and we will experience in taking this journey with Jesus: The joy of knowing that I am following Jesus.

Next: Part 5 >>

Video Excerpt:

The joy you can know that you are following Jesus, even while we are being scourged for what we believe in, what we’re doing in following Jesus. We can have a certain kind of inner joy that comes from knowing, really knowing, that Jesus is approving of us. That Jesus is appreciating what we’re doing. That Jesus is saying “Yes, you are on the right track, keep going. You’re partnering with me in this. I’m glad you’re with me in this scourging.”

We are easing the pain that Christ feels, because He is scourged every day far more than we are. His scourging didn’t end on Good Friday over 2,000 years ago. Think of everybody out there in the world today who is in one way or another, beating the Christian faith down, or trying to. Every way that someone is trying to beat you up and other Christians up for believing what we believe and doing what we are called to do, they are doing it to Jesus and He’s feeling it much more keenly than we feel it.

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To take the Paracletia course on the same videos but with discussion questions and music videos for meditation, go to gnm.org/paracletia-course-description-C02.

You might also like “Unite your sufferings to Jesus for healing” (a Footsteps to Heaven podcast).

Or read our WordBytes faith-building articles on Healing from Suffering.

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