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Do you know how much your Father God loves you? Really, really, really loves you? Usually we don’t know that, because we project onto God the way human fathers have been, the way authority figures have been, the human failings that we’ve witnessed. Do you think God is disapproving of your sins? Do you think he is accusing you? The truth might surprise you. To understand God the Father better, watch this video.


Video Excerpt:

To understand God the Father better, think about this: Right now, do you think God the Father is disapproving of your sins? Do you think God the Father is accusing you of being a sinful person?

No. The answer is: He is not! Yes, he is aware of your sins, but as the Book of Revelation tells us, Satan is the Accuser. The devil is the one who accuses us. Not God. God says, “Sin no more.” But why does he say that? He says it because he knows we CAN. God the Father is always encouraging us. His is the voice of hope, the voice of caring, compassion and encouragement, building us up, saying, “You can do it, My child! You can do it!”

More from Good News Ministries:

Read the WordBytes faith-building article, Healing Our Image of God’s Fatherhood.

Read 30 Days to the Father’s Heart.

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