Ellen Mongan, the host of WOW MOM podcasts, interviews Terry Modica

Ellen and Terry discuss faith, family and God’s faithfulnesss. What can parents today do to keep their children in the Church? Especially during the rebellious teenager years and young adulthood when they leave the home nest and become surrounded by worldly ways! Terry gives words of wisdom in answer to this very common problem.

Note: This conversation is not just about parenting. Ellen says, “Terry is a wealth of knowledge with keen insight and a heart set on God alone.”

In this interview, Terry shares stories from her life that healed her from father wounds and helped her reach her full potential as a treasured daughter of the Most High Father God. Find out how her book “The Father’s Heart” (tothefathersheart.com) not only will help you get rid of misconceptions about God the Father so that you can experience him as your “Doting Daddy” but also how it can help you become a better parent.

Terry also tells her story about being a pastor’s daughter who loved Jesus since early childhood but then fell away, losing her faith. She returned to the Faith as a Catholic after discovering the supernatural event of Mass (bread and wine becoming Jesus in the Eucharist) and meeting the Holy Spirit, who alone can change hearts. Her love relationship with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist was the impetus for her recently published book “My Soul Shall Be Healed” (gnm.org/terry-modica-author/my-soul-shall-be-healed).

This is an interview you won’t be able to stop watching until the end.

About Ellen Mongan:

Ellen Mongan is a deacon’s wife, author, blogger, speaker founder of Little Pink Dress Ministry who specializes in ministering to mothers. Ellen has walked down the road of motherhood for over four decades. She is a woman of wisdom, teaching the younger generation how to navigate their own unique path of motherhood. Visit her website @ ellenmongan.com.

See Terry’s podcast show:


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