In Luke 9, the Transfiguration of Jesus, we see Him reveal the uncreated light of his true identity and we hear the Father say, “This is my chosen Son; Listen to Him.” We experience Christ’s deepest identity every time we listen to him and allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten our understanding of his words and guidance. By listening to him, we let his uncreated light consume the darkness that still lingers within us. Then, the people around us experience more of him, because they meet him in us — in our actions, in our compassion, in our forgiveness, etc. This is evangelization!

Video Transcript

In the Gospel of Luke, chapter 9, starting with verse 28 and ending with 36 we see Jesus revealed the uncreated light of his true identity and we hear the Father say, “This is my chosen Son, listen to him.” We experience Christ’s deepest identity every time we listen to him and allow His Holy Spirit to enlighten our understanding of his words and guidance. By listening to him we let his uncreated light consume the darkness that still lingers within us. Then the people around us experience more of him because they meet him in us. In our actions, in our compassion, in our forgiveness, and so forth. This is evangelization.

The spiritual journey is a time and effort, a program of concentrating on our need for Christ and to shed his light into our areas of darkness. When we let Jesus enlighten us so that we repent, which means change, seeking and receiving forgiveness and the Holy Spirit’s power to change we become more like Christ. We shine more brilliantly with him and we enter more fully into his ministry of redeeming the world. Although there is suffering in this ministry we know that the pain of every Good Friday we experience is always followed by a victory of Easter. It’s in the trials and sacrifices of life, our own crucifixions, in other words, where our holiness changes the world.

Do we dare follow Jesus all the way to Calvary? It’s the only way to get to an Easter experience. Our trials are his blood being shed again, our pains are his pains. We’re already on the cross with Jesus, so why not embrace this extreme intimacy with him for the sake of those who’ve scourged us and betrayed us? By loving those who don’t love us, forgiving those who mistreat us and working hard to replace evil with the Kingdom of God we reveal the light of Christ to those who live in darkness.

So let me ask you some questions to reflect on. Think of a Redemption you’ve experienced, an area of darkness in your life that Jesus shed his light upon when he inspired you to repent. How has this change increased your holiness? What is he inviting you to change now? Something that’s been difficult to look at or hard to overcome. What would you like to hear from Jesus that will help you turn this darkness into holiness for your own transfiguration?

After you figure this out take it to the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

And one final food for thought, why is the Passion of Christ your passion? What crosses are you carrying that you hope will help Christ redeem the world from sin and darkness? How does your cross purify your own holiness? This is your transfiguration!

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