Who is hardest for you to forgive? Jesus said in Matthew 6:14-15 that if we do not forgive, the Heavenly Father cannot forgive us. Here’s the secret to forgiving those unforgivable troublemaker, heartbreaker evildoers who have hurt you so much.
Video Excerpt:
We’re going to share the secret to success and here it is: It doesn’t depend on us if we try to do this by our own power. We are going to fail again and again. We need to remember that Jesus equipped us with whatever is necessary to do what he asks of us. He equips us by the Holy Spirit. He has given us his Holy Spirit.
Jesus showed us the way, he taught by his example and he says, “Be like me,” but he knows that we cannot be like Jesus on our own power. We need the Holy Spirit, so he gave us the Holy Spirit. We need to have a life that’s filled with the Holy Spirit. We need to have not just a personal relationship with Jesus Christ but with his Holy Spirit. We need to say…, “Come Holy Spirit, help me to forgive that person that I’m having trouble forgiving.”
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