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What causes the Sacred Heart of Jesus to break? Well, in what ways are you suffering? Jesus suffers with you. Who has broken your heart? Jesus is brokenhearted with you. Which of your loved ones have been rejecting Christian faith and morality? How have you been misled into Satan’s territory? How have you been tricked by his deceptions? This breaks Jesus’s heart, too. 

What heals the Sacred Heart of Jesus? The same thing that heals your heart! In this episode, Terry Modica shares three steps that will heal your heart while also serving as healing balm for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.




Video Excerpt:

I would like to bring some healing to your heart. I would like to bring to you the healing that comes from Jesus, from his Sacred Heart to your precious heart, because your heart is very precious to him.

Your feelings — your suffering of pain, of hopes of dreams, of joys, of everything that we say goes on in the heart, the heart of our being, heart of our soul, the heart of our life, that center of us — this is where the Lord Jesus wants to dwell more fully so that he can heal you more fully.

And so that he can help your dreams come true — the dreams that God the Father has planted in you — and so that Jesus can help you to become the saint that the Father has designed you to be and the Holy Spirit is empowering you to be so that Jesus’ Sacred Heart is alive in you, so that others can see the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in you — I’m going to share with you something that happened to me a long time ago regarding the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

I was a young Catholic, a young mother, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus was not something that I was very familiar with. I’d heard about it. I’d seen holy cards of it. I’d seen statues of it, but I was raised Protestant. In my particular branch of Protestantism. I never heard the phrase “Sacred Heart of Jesus”….

Scriptures used in this podcast:

Matthew 25:44-45
“Those who are condemned say are, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’ … Then the King will answer, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for Me.'”

Mark 9:42
“If anyone causes one of these little ones — those who believe in me — to stumble, it would be better for them if a large millstone were hung around their neck and they were thrown into the sea.”

Matthew 18:12-14
“If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he rejoices more over that one sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. In the same way, your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.”

More from Good News Ministries:

For a Prayer to Place Your Child into the Sacred Heart of Jesus using the prayer of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, visit

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Joan Rodrigues
June 11, 2021 2:01 pm

Such a lovely discourse. The vision in Terry’s mind’s eye was so super-abundant. It warmed the cockles of my heart, slaking me for more. The elaboration of the shepherd finding his lost sheep, that too just one, where he had so many — I’ve heard homilies on the same theme, but Terry articulated it so vibrantly. Throughout I felt joyous listening to Sister in Christ Jesus, Terry Modica, on Day 1.

June 12, 2021 12:40 am

Thank you for the reminder that Jesus is alive and active in our lives every day…I pray for the grace and strength to live out my life for His Glory, and to bring that strength and grace to others.

Mary Marlatt
June 12, 2021 9:52 pm

When Terry was talking about how others had hurt of misled us all I could think about was my time away from Christ and how I had hurt and misled others. I may never have access to those people again to ask for their forgiveness, but I frequently pray for the harm I inflicted to be healed in them… and that Christ will forgive me for those things. Thank you