A Mystical Experience

I would like to share with you a deep mystical experience that you can have — a mystical union with Jesus deeper than perhaps you’ve ever had before. The crosses that you’re carrying include people around you who don’t know Jesus, people around you who are living more like the world than the way Jesus wants them to live, people who are choosing lifestyles that are harmful to themselves, harmful to their relationship with you, harmful to their relationship with Jesus. You have people around you who are away from Church, away from the close relationship that Jesus longs to have with them.

Next: Part 9 >>

Video Excerpt:

Jesus is carrying a heavy cross even today because of the burden of trying to love them and invite them into the fullness of his love, and they’re rejecting it, they’re turning away from it, they’re blind to it. That’s a heavy burden that Jesus is carrying…. To love somebody so deeply that you want nothing more than for your love to reach them and make a difference in their lives, yet not be able to do that, not be able to succeed at getting that love through to them, that’s a tremendous burden. A tremendous cross. You and I help Jesus carry that cross. If we allow ourselves to feel the yearning that Jesus feels, if we too feel that same yearning, if we are ready to cry because they don’t know Jesus — when we care that deeply about THEM and THEIR soul, the condition of THEIR soul, we are very mystically united to Jesus. And in that union, we are gladdening His heart.

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To take the Paracletia course on the same videos but with discussion questions and music videos for meditation, go to gnm.org/paracletia-course-description-C02.

You might also like “Unite your sufferings to Jesus for healing” (a Footsteps to Heaven podcast).

Or read our WordBytes faith-building articles on Healing from Suffering.

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