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Who is your “daddy”? This episode of “Good News for Today” is about God’s fatherhood. Are we really supposed to not call anyone “father” except God? That’s what Jesus tells us, but really? What did he really mean by that? Let’s put it into context of the whole Gospel reading, Matthew 23:1-12, and discuss how it means we’re being called to show others what God the Father is like. But how can we do that well when we don’t know, really know, the compassion, gentleness, and affirmation of the Father? If you see God the Father as The Punisher, The Disciplinarian, The Absent Dad, or The Abuser, here’s the key to experiencing the Wonderfully Loving Daddy that he really is.

Video Excerpt:

How well do we really know what God the Father is like? How well do we really know God as our daddy, as somebody who we can climb up on the lap of in a prayer meditation, somebody who we have that endearing relationship with.

The reason why almost everybody who’s got a problem in their relationship with God — not believing him or not trusting him, struggling, in some way rejecting him and wanting to live their own life without following the rules of God — it’s because we don’t really know what God the Father is like.

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