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Jesus often speaks to us through unexpected people and ways that we don’t trust. How can we become better at recognizing that he has come to us or what he is calling us to do? This episode of Good News for Today is based on John 8:21-30.

Video Excerpt:

Many times in our life we may think we have it together, that we always listen to God…. [but] it’s like Jesus is calling: Does it go to your voicemail? How do you know it’s not spam? Like when the phone rings and your caller ID says a number that you don’t recognize. What do we do? If we’re smart, we’d let it go to voicemail because, if it’s really somebody who really needs to communicate with us, they’ll leave a message, right? And we let that filter our phone calls so that we only spend time talking to the people who we legitimately want to talk to….

When God speaks to us through something we don’t expect, those are the times that we don’t trust it.

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