Praying through hands

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The laying on of hands, which we see a lot of in scripture, as done by the early apostles, is powerful when we are conduits of the Holy Spirit’s power.

Video Excerpt:

One of the ways that is very commonly seen in Scripture that miracles happen — that the power of God through the Holy Spirit happened — is by the laying on of hands. Jesus touched the people that he healed, very often. It wasn’t necessary, but there was a reason for it. Everybody needs the touch — physical touch. Babies don’t thrive without a lot of being touched, hugged, held by their parents and other caregivers. We all need to be touched. Hugs are so important. We all are designed in our human flesh to be touched. God became one of us to touch us physically. And then he continued his ministry through the disciples, through the apostles, through the baptized. All of us become the hands of Jesus touching others.

Any ministry of touching is a ministry of Jesus…. So, when Jesus started the ministry of healing by laying hands on people and teaching his disciples to do the same, and when they continued it after the Resurrection and after Pentecost when they fully came into their ministries (read the Book of Acts), how many times did they lay hands on people?

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