Discerning the Spirit

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When we pray, it is important to be good at discerning the presence of the Holy Spirit. How does one learn to detect the Holy Spirit’s activity or guidance?

Video Excerpt:

We take the Holy Spirit’s activity for granted because we don’t recognize it, because it feels so familiar. For example, let’s say you’re at Mass and there’s something in the homily that makes a difference. It’s like, “I needed to hear that! That’s helping me. That’s an interesting point.” –That’s the Holy Spirit, and you are discerning the Holy Spirit teaching you, speaking to you, opening you up to some spiritual growth….

So today and ever afterwards, pay attention and start out by saying each day, “Holy Spirit, renew me. Holy Spirit, fill me. Holy Spirit, you have my permission to change me. Holy Spirit, help me to pay attention to the details of this day and recognize you at work in them.” When we do that, we begin to discern the Holy Spirit and realize we’re discerning the Holy Spirit. But, my friend, let me assure you, you’re already discerning the Holy Spirit’s activity in your life. If you weren’t, you wouldn’t be taking this course; you wouldn’t be watching this video.

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To take the Paracletia course on the same videos but with discussion questions and music videos for meditation, go to gnm.org/paracletia-course-description-C06.

Or read our WordBytes faith-building articles on Miracles and the Holy Spirit.

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